Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

possible to contract an insurance

The minimal insurance policies covers only third parties (included the insured person and third parties carried with the vehicle, but not the driver, if the two do not coincide). Also the third parties, fire and theft are common insurance policies.

The victims of accident caused by non-insured vehicles could be compensated by a Warranty Fund, which is covered by a fixed amount of each insurance premium.

Since 2013 it is possible to contract an insurance by days as is possible in countries such as Germany and England.

Visit : Car Insurance

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Cara Menanam Semangka dengan Cara Hidroponik - Jual Bibit

Setelah itu, benih semangka disemaikan, direndam terlebih dahulu di dalam air hangat yang dicampur dengan antonik, lalu diamkan selama 2-4 jam.
Benih semangka yang telah disemaikan selama 2 hingga 3 hari akan tumbuh berupa kecambah kecil.
Supaya kecambah tumbuh menjadi lebih cepat, pindahkan ke tempat lain pada media berupa abu sekam lembab.
Pada tahap penyesuaian, siapkan tempat berupa nampan plastik yang telah diberi nutrisi.
Sebelum ditanam di media tanam, benih yang telah disemaikan selama 8 hingga 10 hari perlu dilakukan penyesuaian dengan memberi nutrisi.

Visit : Jual Bibit